Bethany Wilkins

Bethany Wilkins (21) makes her début appearance in a motion picture to play the lead role of Sarah Johnson; a character that she readily admits has had a lasting effect on her. "It was a terrifying and exciting experience all at the same time", Bethany explains, "I began to really get to know Sarah, I felt for her and came to understand her."
Bethany, whose acting experience only goes as far as a drama GCSE and a couple of parts in Pantomime, found the experience both challenging and rewarding. “This was a big leap from playing Wendy in Peter Pan! Sarah is a deep character holding onto a lot of pent-up emotional baggage. She has always tried to protect her family from the reality of their father’s death and the unravelling of the truth has a huge impact on her and her siblings. I had to dig deep into my own experiences and emotions to find Sarah, but when I did, I truly came to understand her”.

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Being Sarah…

Bethany Wilkins (Sarah Johnson) discusses, Sarah and making her role truly live, in Powerless...[more]